The author Sunil V Tadwalkar
“Improved decision making is the top benefit
sought by companies when they implement
enterprise solutions”
Today’s world of information technology is immensely blessed by the process framework brought
in by Software Engineering Institute (SEI) of Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh In the form of
CMM®, CMMI®, PCMM® models.
Although the initial focus of SEI was to help defence organization in US to improve their software
development practices, and to provide disciplinary approach by way of the software process frame work, SEI achieved scintillating success in making these models as de-facto standards.
These models are further made available to the commercial organizations because of its valuable
guidance and popularity. SEI continuously pursued further improvements in software engineering practices and added all essential elements of system engineering, sourcing and hardware to come up with integrated models CMMI® and now it is CMMI® for development.