By Bruce R. Duncil, PE, CSQE © July, 2002 1 ISD, Inc.
Effective training of the personnel performing development and management activities are integral to the success of those efforts. Although that statement seems self-evident, getting it done has often proven an entirely different matter. Training programs have been beset by problems common to all such functions: misunderstanding of purpose, lack of management sponsorship and participation, inability to plan a program, poor program implementation and misuse of resources. But perhaps the largest roadblock to success has been insufficient understanding on the part of key personnel as to how to go about establishing a training program that meets their organization's needs. The Software Engineering Institute’s (SEI) Capability Maturity Model® for software, v1.1 (CMM® ) outlines fundamental elements of a program designed to equip personnel with the skills needed to fulfill the responsibilities of their assigned roles. This article addresses the elements of an effective training program and how to put them in place in a software organization. These principles, however, are extensible to product development organizations at large. This article is one in a set of articles entitled “The Essentials…” focusing on reference models and appraisal methods to achieve business objectives. Whether you are struggling to implement improvements or you are an assessor striving for team consensus in the field, these thoughts are offered to stimulate discussion, guide decisionmaking and facilitate achievement of your goals.