

On rare occasions our Lead Appraisers have the privilege to appraise organisations that not only achieve the CMMI for Development practices, but also sets new standards for practice implementations. Dubai Customs’ CDD (Custom Development Division) is one such example.

Dubai Customs’ CDD achieved its maturity level 3 rating November 2015, and also demonstrated exceptional best practice implementations. Some of these are presented below:

  • Organisational Training (OT): Based on the de facto Kirkpatrick/Phillips model for training effective’s determination, a comprehensive analysis is done on all training that also includes return on investment studies for key selected training and development courses.
  • Technical Solution (TS): A fully defined Enterprise Architecture solution is implemented that covers vision, mission, services, processes, role, data and much more. This full Enterprise Architecture repository is accessible to all staff via an online portal and for the basis for software development solution determination and solution designs.
  • Organisational Process Focus / Organisational Process Definition (OPF/OPD): A organisational process management division provides service based on BPMM that incorporates continuous improvement and causal analyse activities to ensure continuous improvement. Certification on various quality standards, of which some include ISO 9001, ISO 10001, ISO 10002, ISO 10015, ISO 31000, ISO 20000, ISO 27001, ISO 14001, OHSHS 18001, TISSE 2012 and SA 800
  • Measurements and Analysis (MA): A comprehensive implementation of the Kaplan David Norton balanced scorecard system that drives strategic business goals and scores, decomposed down to division, department and project level scorecards. The detail project measurements are defined as per the best practices within CMMI Measurement and Analysis process area.

In addition to the above, all 18 of the CMMI Maturity Level 3 process areas were rated as satisfactorily implemented. Dubai Customs thus not only achieved the best practices for CMMI Maturity Level 3, it sets a benchmark for how such best practices should be implemented.

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