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Demix Update February 2017
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Contributions for March newsletter:   

Submit your article about PPQA for next month's Demix Update Issue. 
Congratulations to Hitesh Sanghavi who had most views for his January 2017 article entitled Inter Relationships between Requirements Management and Requirements Development

Send your Articles / Presentations / Tools to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ';document.getElementById('cloakaccbb168fa3fdff4f00ea2886cfb3a4a').innerHTML += ''+addy_textaccbb168fa3fdff4f00ea2886cfb3a4a+'<\/a>';                            

Articles - PP / PMC

*Project Planning / Project Monitoring and Control
Article: (PP) Why Project Delivery Estimations are impossible to achieve?  by Rajeev Vashista 

https://seir.sei.cmu.edu - What is Project Delivery Estimation? 
At the outset of project plan, senior management or customer is always asked to come up with an answer of the most inadequate question? “What is the delivery date or completion date of this project?” In fact this question can be put in several other ways, but main aim will remain same i.e. to know the project delivery timelines and schedule.  
Now next question arises how can one give the date? The delivery date of the project is dependent on the amount of effort put in. Hence very rudimentary equation is...

Article: (PP) Combining Critical Chain Planning and Incremental Development in Software Development Projects  by Eduardo Miranda

https://seir.sei.cmu.edu - Abstract Cutting content seems to be the prevalent way of meeting deadlines in projects that are running late. But why waste effort and time working on things that most likely, are going to go at the first sign of trouble?  Why don’t make the decisions about what is important and what is not up-front, and only start work on the latter if we have the necessary time to do it?

By combining critical chain (CC) and Incremental Development (ID), two well known techniques, we can create a new approach to plan and execute projects, which guaranties, with a set probability, the delivery of an agreed subset of the total functionality by a preset date. 

Article: (PP) Improving Corrective Maintenance Effort Prediction: An Empirical Study  by Andrea De Lucia*, Aldo Persico°, Eugenio Pompella°, Silvio Stefanucci* 

* Faculty of Engineering - University of Sannio Palazzo Bosco Lucarelli, Piazza Roma - 82100 Benevento, Italy 
 ° EDS Italia Software S.p.A. Viale Edison - Loc. Lo Uttaro - 81100 Caserta, Italy 

https://seir.sei.cmu.edu - Abstract 
 This paper reports on an empirical study aiming at improving the cost prediction model currently used in a major software enterprise. We used a multiple regression model and the data collected from two corrective maintenance projects.

The improvement of the model performances is achieved by taking into account different corrective maintenance task typologies, each affecting the effort in a different way.  

Article: (PMC) Developing an IT Project Management Process by Bill Munro

https://seir.sei.cmu.eduHow does your company manage projects? One approach is to develop a methodology based on the PMBOK. Many organizations talk about project management and spend much time and expense in training efforts. But once they have completed the training, there may not be PM processes that are specific enough or tailored for the company’s needs. Some authors and practitioners feel that project management is more art than science and that formal processes may not be important.
Article: (PP/PMC) Comparing and Contrasting the PP and PMC Process Areas of CMMI v 1.2 and Scrum by Aldo Dagnino, Andrew Cordes and Karen Smiley

http://www.dtic.mil/ - * SCRUM is based on the principle that software development is an empirical process, not a defined process, and that if you try to manage an empirical process with a system designed for defined processes, you are doomed to fail.

* SCRUM “expects the unexpected” and “control is exercised through frequent inspection and adaptation”
* SCRUM is a borrowed term from “Rugby”

Presentation: (PP) Framework for Managing Strategy Planning and Strategy Processes Title by Mohan Sharma & Nagender Mathubala

https://seir.sei.cmu.edu - Download

Article: (CMMI) Which CMMI® Institute Model Will Take Your Organization to the Next Level? by CMMI Institute
www.cmmiinstitute.com - Discover Which CMMI® Institute Model Will Take Your Organization to the Next Level!

CMMI Institute models help identify and improve the key capabilities that elevate your organization's performance, quality, and profitability. Many times in business, the problem or solution is not so obvious. With proven best practices, CMMI Institute models allow you to see how your organization's existing processes measure up and where performance improvements are needed. The result? 
http://www.slideshare.net/ - CMMI Project Planning Presentation by 
Tiago Teixeira
http://www.slideshare.net/ - MMI High Maturity Best Practices HMBP 2010: Ashish Jain Productivity Improvement using Automation In Project Planning, Monitoring and Control by QAI
Downloads: (PP/PMC)  
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