April 2018 Issue
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Contributions for May Issue of The Best Practice Magazine:   

Submit your article about *Supplier Agreement Management (SAM) for next month's Issue of The Best Practice Magazine. Congratulations to Russ Roseman who had most views for their March 2018 article entitled Lifecycle Configuration Management.

Send your Articles / Presentations / Tools to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.                          

CMMI Articles/Presentations - MA

*Measurement and Analysis (MA)
Definition of MA Summary
The purpose of Measurement and Analysis (MA) (CMMI-DEV) is to develop and sustain a measurement capability used to support management information needs.
Introducing CMMI® Development V2.0

The CMMI® is an integrated set of best practices that improve performance and key capabilities for any organization that wants to develop better products, components, and services.


Article: (MA) IMPLEMENTING MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS By Neil Potter and Mary Sakry The Process Group, www.processgroup.com

Introduction The Measurement and Analysis (MA) Process Area in the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)* provides a solid infrastructure for implementing a measurement program. In this article we will describe the practices of MA and give some examples of practice implementations.
*The full CMMI source is at: http://www.processgroup.com/10tr033-DEV-1p3-final.pdf
Article: (MA) Software Benchmarking: Common Sense And Rocket Science Using The SEI Core Measures by J.W.E Greene.

Software Benchmarking Introduction
The sun goes round the earth. Simple, obvious and wrong. To benchmark
software process productivity divide the software size by the development
effort. Simple, obvious and (unfortunately) wrong. 

SCRUM Articles/Presentations - MA

*Measurement and Analysis (MA)
Article: (MA) Introducing CMMI Measurement and Analysis Practices into Scrum-based Software Development Process" by Viljan Mahnic, Natasa Zabkar,
International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, ISSN: 1998-0159, Issue 1, Volume 1, 2007, p.65-72. (http://www.naun.org)

Abstract— Introduction of CMMI practices for Measurement and Analysis Process Area into Scrum is described with the aim of monitoring and improving software process performance. A metamodel of Scrum is given first, followed by the specifications of base and derived measures that can be used to monitor satisfaction of different stakeholders.
Article: (MA) Practical Report: CMMI Measurements and Analysis practices based on Agile (Scrum) Method by Ahmed Mahdy
Introduction Software industry is one of the most empirical industries due to its high dependence on technology and people. Each software company adopts a specific development methodology, and furthermore seeks to build a system for its process improvement by adopting one or more Software Process Improvement (SPI) models.

COBIT Articles/Presentations - MA

*Measurement and Analysis (MA)
Article: (MA) PROPOSAL FOR A MEASUREMENT MODEL FOR SOFTWARE TESTS WITH A FOCUS ON THE MANAGEMENT OF OUTSOURCED SERVICES by Angélica Toffano Seidel Calazans, Ricardo Ajax Dias Kosloski & Luiz Carlos Miyadaira Ribeiro Junior.

High market competitiveness and technological advances have increased the
demand for better and better software, produced through predefined costs and deadlines.

Six Sigma Articles/Presentations - MA

*Measurement and Analysis (MA)
Article: (MA) Achieving Success via Multi-Model Process Improvement by Jeannine M. Siviy, M. Lynn Penn & Robert Stoddard.
Value Proposition
• Our (Your) Multi-Initiative Reality
• Six Sigma & Lean Fundamentals
• Six Sigma as a Strategic Enabler


*Measurement and Analysis (MA)
Article: (AI) Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Ada: Integrating AI with Mainstream Software Engineering by Jorge L. Díaz-Herrera


Abstract: In this report we discuss in detail pragmatic problems posed by the integration of AI with conventional software engineering, and within the framework of current Ada technology. A major objective of this work has been to begin to bridge the gap between the Ada and AI software cultures. 
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