Contributions for April Issue of The Best Practice Magazine:
Submit your article about ENQ* (Ensuring Quality) - RDM (Requirements Development & Management), PQA (Process Quality Assurance), VV (Verification & Validation) & PR (Peer Reviews) for next month's issue of The Demix Best Practice Magazine. Congratulations to Robert Stroud who had most views for his March 2020 article entitled, Vendor management using COBIT 5.
Send your Articles / Presentations / Tools to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Definition of - Engineering and Developing Products (EDP) *Product Integration (PI) & Technical Solution (TS)
(EDP) Engineering & Development Products This CA focuses on engineering, developing, and delivering products and product components.
(PI) Product Integration Integrate and deliver the solution that addresses functionality and quality requirements. Covers the assembly of the products and product components and their delivery to the customer and ensures inclusion of required functionality and quality characteristics.
(TS) Technical Solution Design and build solutions that meet customer requirements. Focuses on designing and building products and product components.
The CMMI® is an integrated set of best practices that improve performance and key capabilities for any organization that wants to develop better products, components, and services.
What is a CMMI roadmap? A roadmap is a set of CMMI process areas that together serve an organization to identify and implement process improvements. CMMI roadmaps are an effective tool to start with the CMMI continuous representation; thus providing an alternative for the staged approach. Biggest benefit from the CMMI roadmap approach is the alignment of your process improvement initiative with the business goals, ensuring quicker and more effective business results. The CMMI roadmaps are described in a Technical Note, which is published by the Software Engineering Institute.
Objectives of TS and PI: The objective of TS is to design (developing architecture, high level and low level/detail design), develop (coding or data conversion activity for Data migration), and implement (successful deployment at the customer’s site) solutions as per agreed and documented requirements (as per the requirements management and development activities/phase). This includes products, PCs (programs or modules), and product related lifecycle processes (user manual, design manuals etc). The objective of PI is to ensure planned successful assembling of the complete product (or services) from one or more, simple or complex PCs (or service components), ensuring that the product (or services), as integrated, functions properly as intended by design, and deliver/deploy the product (or services) at the end user/customer site.
Agenda • Summary of Scrum and CMMI • Approach • Maturity Level 2 and Scrum Comparison • How About Other Components of Level 2? • Adding Level 3 Management and Engineering Practices – Requirements/backlog – Release planning, sprint planning and daily standups – Sprint composition • How About the Other Components of Level 3? • Summary
In the 1980s, Motorola made waves in the business world with the development of its process improvement strategy Six Sigma. Today Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma are widely-upheld methodologies and tools used to reduce variation in a business process by using a statistical process control to measure variance and standard deviation. Tina Huesing, Director of Six Sigma at Motorola, speaks with the Process Excellence Network to illuminate Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma as defined today by Motorola and explains why companies are looking to Six Sigma and Lean management to remain sustainable, cut costs and increase productivity.
We are living in a constantly changing world. While technology is getting smarter and easier to handle for users, governance and management of enterprise IT (GEIT) is becoming overly complex. Increasingly, cloud services are replacing traditional in-house solutions, and the risk associated with this new IT business model is difficult to manage. The role of the internal IT department is being questioned because its value is often not recognized at the board level. Because businesses can access IT services relatively easily via a cloud broker portal, long lasting program and project management is no longer needed for delivering equal services at unknown cost, time and risk. Well, we are not there yet, but the pathway is clear.
This article references COBIT® 5. ISACA® has since updated the COBIT® framework; the newest version is COBIT® 2019.
The technology industry is in love with artificial intelligence (AI). With applications ranging from high-end data science to automated customer service, this technology is appearing all across the enterprise. We discuss how your business can benefit safely and efficiently.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is clearly a growing force in the technology industry. AI is taking center stage at conferences and showing potential across a wide variety of industries, including retail and manufacturing. New products are being embedded with virtual assistants, while chatbots are answering customer questions on everything from your online office supplier's site to your web hosting service provider's support page. Meanwhile, companies such as Google, Microsoft, and Salesforce are integrating AI as an intelligence layer across their entire tech stack. Yes, AI is definitely having its moment.
Two forms of Health Check are offered the Silver Appraisal (SCAMPI B) and Gold Appraisal (SCAMPI A).
Both are led by a Certified CMMI® Lead Appraiser supported by trained Appraisal Team Members.
The primary difference between the two types of Health Check is the level of rigor and the fact that the SCAMPI A Appraisal can provide a Capability Level for each of the PMO Process Area in scope, the results can also be published on the CMMI® Institute PARS Site (Published Appraisal Results) if required.
The key deliverable being a report highlighting strengths and opportunities for improvement. This can optionally be expanded into a comprehensive PMO Improvement Plan the implementation of which can be supported by DEMIX Consultants if required.
If your PMO is not adding the value you expected then perform a DEMIX PMO Health Check to find out why!
To find out more or register interest contact Stephen Woods via the email below:
Stephen Woods This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Send us an email with Subject: Appraisal Plan and we will send you the Demix Appraisal Plan.XLSX tool. It provides wonderful features to simplify your appraisal planning.
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