Contributions for May Issue of The Best Practice Magazine:
Submit your article about SMS - Selecting & Managing Suppliers; SSS ( Supplier Source Selection) & SAM (Supplier Agreement Management) for next month's issue of The Demix Best Practice Magazine. Send your Articles / Presentations / Tools to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Send your Articles / Presentations / Tools to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Definition of - SI - Supporting Implementation
Supporting Implementation is categorized under Enabling, what does this mean?
The category focuses on analyzing causes, making decisions, maintaining the integrity of products, and very importantly communicating to all relevant stakeholders.
This CA involves identifying and addressing the causes of selected outcomes, creating a decision-making approach and structure, maintaining the integrity of work products, and fostering communication and coordination among stakeholders.
CAR: Causal Analysis and Resolution Identifies causes of selected outcomes and acts to either prevent reoccurrence of undesirable outcomes or ensure reoccurrence of positive outcomes.
DAR: Decision Analysis and Resolution Aids in making decisions using criteria-based evaluation of alternatives and recording the results.
CM: Configuration Management Establishes and maintains the integrity of work products using configuration identification, control, and audits.
9 Steps to implementing Change in the workplace: Agile Spaces
In a business climate characterized by constant and accelerating change, dealing with employee resistance to those changes is troublesome at best, and costly in many cases. That’s certainly true when it comes to implementing change in the workplace, especially moving to shared workspaces and adopting agile working practices.
You've finally made it to the Implementation Stage of making and managingchange within your organization. Yes, you get to take action during this stage. You can if you follow these recommendations and accomplish first, the four initial stages that build employee commitment to change.
6 Steps to Effective Organisational Change management
Most organizations today are in a constant state of flux as they respond to the fast-moving external business environment, local and global economies, and technological advancement. This means that workplace processes, systems, and strategies must continuously change and evolve for an organization to remain competitive.
There comes a point in every business when something happens that radically changes how the business operates: Leaders start to implement processes.
For employees who are used to improvising as they go and doing things their own way, this shift can be difficult. “We’ve gotten results without these processes,” they think, “Why should I change the way I’m doing things?”
5 Steps to successfully implementing new technology in the workplace
Companies of all sizes are facing a digital imperative: introduce new technologies effectively or face competitive obsolescence. In fact, 78% of us feel achieving a digital transformation will become critical to our organizations within the next two years.
Two forms of Health Check are offered the Silver Appraisal (SCAMPI B) and Gold Appraisal (SCAMPI A).
Both are led by a Certified CMMI® Lead Appraiser supported by trained Appraisal Team Members.
The primary difference between the two types of Health Check is the level of rigor and the fact that the SCAMPI A Appraisal can provide a Capability Level for each of the PMO Process Area in scope, the results can also be published on the CMMI® Institute PARS Site (Published Appraisal Results) if required.
The key deliverable being a report highlighting strengths and opportunities for improvement. This can optionally be expanded into a comprehensive PMO Improvement Plan the implementation of which can be supported by DEMIX Consultants if required.
If your PMO is not adding the value you expected then perform a DEMIX PMO Health Check to find out why!
To find out more or register interest contact Stephen Woods via the email below:
Stephen Woods This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The CMMI® is an integrated set of best practices that improve performance and key capabilities for any organization that wants to develop better products, components, and services.
Send us an email with the Subject: Appraisal Plan and we will send you the Demix Appraisal Plan.XLSX tool. It provides wonderful features to simplify your appraisal planning.
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