Contributions for the September Issue of The Best Practice Magazine
Submit your article about (EDP) Engineering and Developing Products; (TS) Technical Solution & (PI) Product Integration for next month's issue of The Demix Best Practice Magazine.
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(ENQ) Ensuring Quality; (RDM) Requirements Development and Management, (PQA) Process Quality Assurance, (VV) Verification & Validation, and (PR) Peer Review
(ENQ) Ensuring Quality This CA area includes PAs important to both quality assurance and quality control. The Ensuring Quality PA includes the following PAs;
(RDM) Requirements Development and Management enables development and keeping updated a common of needs and expectations for the solution.
(PQA) Process Quality Assurance ensures the process is followed and quality solutions are produced.
(VV) Verification and Validation ensures requirements are met and the solutions functions as intended in the target environment.
(PR) Peer Reviews identify solution defects or issues.
Today there are a lot of misunderstandings when it comes to the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI®) [1] and peer reviews. But why should you care? First, peer reviews are an expected practice and required to achieve CMMI compliance. Second, while peer reviews are commonly held today, the way these reviews are often conducted is costing many organizations wasted time and effort, and failing to provide the promised higher performance payback on their investments. In some Summary cases, poor peer review practices may result in delaying, or not achieving, CMMI compliance. Recent case study data [2] reveals a major cause of these failures can be traced to the fact that many organizations don’t realize the options and flexibility they have to use peer reviews to gain higher organizational performance.
This white paper provides straight talk and advice on what the CMMI really requires with respect to peer reviews, how to get the most value from your peer reviews, and what to look for in peer review software to improve the performance of your organization while achieving CMMI compliance. You will learn techniques to eliminate wasted effort while tuning your team’s performance for optimal competitive advantage.
The term "Scrum" is typically applied to a Rugby game in which three members of each team line up opposite each other with a group of two and three lined behind them with the emerging formation of eight players of each team into three-two-three ratio. The ball then is rolled between the opposing front lines; the players standing with arms around a teammate’s waist meet the opponents’ shoulder to shoulder and attempt to kick the ball backward to a teammate. The principle behind this is that each team tries to go the distance as a unit while passing the ball back and forth. The term is now used in the business management system which bases its operations on the current platform of scrum and requirements management.
Project Definition: Reduce Rework by Reducing Defect Leakage Currently, over 30% of the Software Engineering effort is consumed reworking products already deemed “fit-for-purpose”. A major contributor to this is defect leakage. Defect leakage is calculated as a percentage by summing the defects attributable to a specific phase that are detected in later phases divided by the total number of defects attributable to that phase. Defect leakage is a good indicator of the quality of the different phases of the software process. Defect leakage for the some software development phases is as high as 75%, where as our goal is set at 20%. Not catching and correcting defects at the earliest point in the process leads to cost and budget over-runs due to excessive rework. By investigating what types of defects go undetected during the various phases, corrections can be introduced into the process to help identify the top defect types.
In a previous Journal article, I wrote about artificial intelligence (AI) and talked about the massive amount of digital data that are being accumulated, how new digitally oriented technology is affecting us, the sources of online data (e.g., personal, private), how data are used and how a career in AI can be useful to those interested in developing the skills to use AI.
In my most recent Journal article, I look at AI from an information security and privacy perspective. The article outlines AI concerns, threats and risk factors as a way of understanding AI as a cyberthreat. Once we have an understanding of the threat, we discuss ways to protect the cyberdata (and personal privacy). Preventive measures, protective controls, and detective practices and tools are presented to help understand how to manage the threat by using AI and other countermeasures.
Please utilize the free tests at to assess your or your ATMs' knowledge of CMMI. We are now using it to help our Certified CMMI Associate applicants prepare for their tests. Any suggestions for improvements will also be appreciated (send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
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