Demix Update June 2017
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Articles - MA

*(Measurement and Analysis)
Article: (MA) How to apply CMMI Measurement and Analysis (MA) in my organization as per CMMI? by Rajendra Khare - Measurement and Analysis (MA) process area is available at CMMI Maturity Level 2 under the Support category.

The primary objective of CMMI Measurement and Analysis (MA) Process Area is to develop the practice of fact-based decision making. The decision can be based on facts only when the key performance results are available to take a rational and objective decision. CMMI Measurement and Analysis Process Area helps in the development and maintaining a repository of Performance Measurement Data in the organization. This repository helps in the better control of critical project parameters like – schedule, effort, cost, defects,cost  of quality, etc. It also helps in mid-course correction when the project is going off-track on key performance parameters.
Article: (MA) Planning for Measurement by The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) - There are probably so many things in your organization to measure that you could easily become overwhelmed by the opportunities. But for measurement to be effective, it must be designed and targeted to support your business goals. To begin planning your measurement activities, ask yourself "What do I want to know or learn?"

This page offers selected resources to help you get started planning for measurement.
Article: (MA) IMPLEMENTING MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS by Neil Potter and Mary Sakry - Introduction
The Measurement and Analysis (MA) Process Area in the
Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)* provides a
solid infrastructure for implementing a measurement program.
In this article we will describe the practices of MA and give
some examples of practice implementations.
MA Purpose
From the CMMI text, the purpose of Measurement and Analysis
is to develop and sustain a measurement capability that is used
to support management information needs.
Presentation: (MA) Measurement Systems Analysis MSA for Suppliers by  Raytheon - Qualification of a measurement system for use by quantifying its
accuracy, precision, and stability
– Understand the quality characteristics of measurement
– Understand the method for establishing measurement capability
– Define the requirements of the measurement system
Atricle: (MA) Introducing CMMI Measurement and Analysis Practices into Scrum-based Software Development Process by Viljan Mahnic and Natasa Zabkar - I. INTRODUCTION
UMEROUS agile methods [1] have appeared in the last decade that – in contrast to disciplined approach advocated by the quality models like CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration [7]) – value individuals and interactions over processes and tools, working software over comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration over contract negotiation, and responding to change over following a plan [16]. 
Presentation: (MA) Best Practices in Measurement for Process Improvement by Dr. Joyce Statz - Practical Software and Systems Measurement guidance
‰ program funded by DoD for more than a decade, augmented by volunteer efforts
of people in more than 50 organizations
‰ focused on project-level measurement; extensible to other areas
‰ uses a systematic measurement process which is the basis for CMMI
Measurement and Analysis and ISO 15939 international standard on software
‰ provides best practice examples of measurement specifications,
indicators/graphs, case studies, tools and specific guidance (plug-in for RUP,
PSM Insight tool, ES tool for collecting object-oriented design measures for Java
and C++, enterprise measurement report, experience reports and more)
Presentation: (MA) Navigating the Speed Bumps for Measurement and Analysis by Beth Layman and Joyce Statz - First: Cover the “potholes”
 Be able to identify elements of Practical Software and Systems
Measurement(PSM) that address common problems
Then: Find your way among the “speed bumps”
 Be able to cope with common measurement challenges, based on
experience from the workshop
And then: Navigate the unknown
 Be able to locate help for measurement puzzles
Presentation: (MA) Practical Software and Systems Measurement A foundation for objective project management by Cheryl Jones - PSM Project Objectives
• Provide DoD, Government, and Industry
Program and Technical Managers with a
Proven Process to Identify and Address
Software and Systems Issues

• Provide a Basis for Objective
Communication, Informed Decision Making,
and Resource Allocation

• Establish a Foundation for Performance
Management and Process Improvement
Presentation: (MA) A Simple Process Performance Model by James D. McHale - Subtitle: The Advantage of High-Maturity Thinking in a Lower-Maturity Organization
Fallacy: Any time spent on the higher maturity level practices while attempting to achieve CMMI ML2 or ML3 is, by definition, wasted effort.

Radical Thought #1: Any time spent implementing policies and practices at ML2 and ML3 that does not support the higher maturity level CMMI practices violates the intent of the model.

Article: (CMMI) Which CMMI® Institute Model Will Take Your Organization to the Next Level? by CMMI Institute - Discover Which CMMI® Institute Model Will Take Your Organization to the Next Level!

CMMI Institute models help identify and improve the key capabilities that elevate your organization's performance, quality, and profitability. Many times in business, the problem or solution is not so obvious. With proven best practices, CMMI Institute models allow you to see how your organization's existing processes measure up and where performance improvements are needed. The result? 
Downloads: (MA)  
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MA Self assessment - (Login to view) 



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