Submit your article about MA (Measurement and Analysis) for next month's Demix Update Issue. Congratulations to Eric Mariacher who had most views for his April 2017 article entitled DESIGNING CHANGE REQUEST WORKFLOWS.
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Articles - SAM
*Supplier Agreement Management
Article: (SAM) Effective Contract Management How to give winning proposals by A Narasimhan. - FINAL SUBMISSION FOR BEST PRACTICES Effective Contract Management – How to give winning proposals Introduction Contract management is a crucial phase in the software project life cycle. This is more important to small and medium organizations, which work in a project-mode and the projects are of the order of a few hundred thousand to a few million dollars. As companies are going global, they face severe competition while bidding for projects. The first phase of bagging the project needs utmost attention and care in such a scenario. Indian SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) software companies face competition from bigger Indian companies and domestic international companies.
Article: (SAM) Beyond Surviving a Customer Audit -Paradigm Shift to a Total Supplier Organization by K.R.Gopinath, M.S.Ramkumar and G.Sailesh - 1 Introduction The traditional interplay of Dominant - Subordinate relationship that characterised the CustomerSupplier interaction is being replaced by a new "Win-Win" paradigm in the Information Technology (IT) industry. The pre-eminence of Cost effectiveness as the deciding factor is giving way to a broader spectrum of requirements aimed at ensuring mutually aligned business goals and a long-term relationship.
Article: (SAM) Building Partners through Sub-Contracting and Outsourcing by Ravi Raman - 1. Executive Overview Technology is on the fast lane today. It is changing so rapidly that before you can get adjusted to the new gear, you are forced to change gears. The number of organizations, irrespective of size and business, using Information Technology as the backbone for their business is increasing by leaps and bounds. Thus, we have a complex situation – Fast changing technology used by a set of demanding users who have to react quickly to stay ahead in the market.
Presentation: (SAM) Contractors Must Be Compliant With CMMi, But.... by Lyn Elliot Dellinger - *All models are wrong, but some are useful *We think CMMI is one of the most useful *We do a much better job when processes are documented and followed *However, for this presentation, we will examine the problems that companies face in meeting contractual requirements for CMMI compliance *Problem is usually greater for small companies than large ones
Presentation: (SAM) Demonstrating Best Value in Supplier Selection by David P.Quinn - Audience Participation What are you willing to pay extra for when considering: – A washing machine? – A restaurant? – A car, truck, or SUV?
Do you think lowest cost always reflects best value? – Ability to compare – Total cost of ownership
Presentation: (SAM) Fundamentals of Outsourcing for Managers by Karen S. King - Class Format • Discussion style class • Includes hands-on activities • Provides an overview of many different concepts
Ground Rules • Consider all information provided during class to be confidential • Respect the opinions of others • Feel free to ask questions and discuss subjects of interest
Presentation: (SAM) How to Supplier Agreement Management (SAM) and Integrated Supplier Management (ISM) ... by Neil Potter and Mary Sakry - Workshop Objectives At the end of this workshop you will be able to: Summarize the Subcontract Management Process. Use the process templates, checklists, and other work aids. Identify and manage risks for an outsourced project. Develop a Request for Proposal. Select a qualified supplier. Manage an outsourced project. For CMMI, you will know: When to apply Supplier Agreement Management (SAM) and Integrated Supplier Management (ISM) What to look for in CMMI-rated suppliers
Article: (CMMI) Which CMMI® Institute Model Will Take Your Organization to the Next Level? by CMMI Institute - Discover Which CMMI® Institute Model Will Take Your Organization to the Next Level!
CMMI Institute models help identify and improve the key capabilities that elevate your organization's performance, quality, and profitability. Many times in business, the problem or solution is not so obvious. With proven best practices, CMMI Institute models allow you to see how your organization's existing processes measure up and where performance improvements are needed. The result?