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Demix Update July 2017
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Contributions for July newsletter:   

Submit your article about VER/VAL (*Verification / Validation ) for next month's Demix Update Issue. 
Congratulations to Viljan Mahnic & Natasa Zabkar who had most views for their June 2017 article entitled Introducing CMMI Measurement and Analysis Practices into Scrum-based Software Development Process.

Send your Articles / Presentations / Tools to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ';document.getElementById('cloak8f1548940c50397ecd028bcfbd8fda5b').innerHTML += ''+addy_text8f1548940c50397ecd028bcfbd8fda5b+'<\/a>';                            

Articles - RD / TS / PI

*(Requirements Development /Technical Solution / Product Integration)
Article: CMMI for Services applied to South African Municipal Service Delivery by Hendrik Gaitsewe Lenepa


• Water supply
• Sewage collection and disposal
• Refuse removal
• Electricity supply
• Municipal health services
• Municipal roads and storm water drainage
• Street lighting
• Municipal parks and recreation

These services have a direct and immediate effect on the quality of the lives of the people in that community. 
Article: (TS/PI) Inter Relationships between Technical Solution and Product Integration by Hitesh Sanghavi 

https://seir.sei.cmu.edu - Objectives of TS and PI:

The objective of TS is to design (developing architecture, high level and low level/detail design), develop (coding or data conversion activity for Data migration), and implement (successful deployment at the customer’s site) solutions as per agreed and documented requirements (as per the requirements management and development activities/phase).
This includes products, PCs (programs or modules), and product-related lifecycle processes (user manual, design manuals etc). The objective of PI is to ensure planned successful assembling of the complete product (or services) from one or more, simple or complex PCs (or service components), ensuring that the product (or services), as integrated, functions properly as intended by design, and deliver/deploy the product (or services) at the end user/customer site.

Article: (PI) Software Product Engineering Key Process Area Mapping by Ron Lachell

https://seir.sei.cmu.edu - Purpose and Usage

The purpose of this document is to enable the user to understand, and be familiar with the common feature details within the Software Product Engineering KPA, and to determine organizational adherence or deficiency. 

This type of process will promote an understanding, and familiarity of each KPA. This is key to meeting KPA requirements within the organization, as each member contributes information from his/her knowledge base. 

Article: (PI) Product Integration (PI) Implementation Steps by Rajendra Khare

http://www.cmmiconsultantblog.com - Product Integration helps in integrating the product components and ensuring the behaviour of the products. Product Integration is conducted using the following steps:

Plan for Product Integration: First step in Product Integration is to prepare an Integration plan or strategy. Integration Plan includes details of Product components to be integrated, with details of the verifications to be performed. It also includes establishing the product environment, defining integration process and steps. And details of tools required for integration (if any).
Article: (RD) CMM® and CMMI® : Show Me the Value! by ASK Process, Inc.

www.askprocess.com - Abstract
Most organizations seek a rating against the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) or Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) because their customers require it of them. But what about the majority of us for whom no such requirement exists? Is there any value in the CMM? Is there any reason why we should pay attention to what the CMMI says? In two words, Yes, and Yes!
Article: (TS) Which comes first in Technical Solutions - The Architecure or evaluating Alternatives? by Jeff Dalton

http://askthecmmiappraiser.blogspot.co.za - The CMMI isn't a process. It's a Process Model. The practices are not presented in sequence (although sometimes it appears that way). You may perform the SPs in any order that makes sense for your business, and sometimes you may even repeat SPs at a later point in your project.

Every organziation approaches this slightly differently. However, you might consider both places as an opportunity to evaluate alternatives.
Article: (CMMI) Which CMMI® Institute Model Will Take Your Organization to the Next Level? by CMMI Institute
www.cmmiinstitute.com - Discover Which CMMI® Institute Model Will Take Your Organization to the Next Level!

CMMI Institute models help identify and improve the key capabilities that elevate your organization's performance, quality, and profitability. Many times in business, the problem or solution is not so obvious. With proven best practices, CMMI Institute models allow you to see how your organization's existing processes measure up and where performance improvements are needed. The result? 
Article: (CMMI) CMMI® Institute Upcoming Events
www.cmmiinstitute.com - 
SAVE THE DATE: Partner Workshop and Capability Counts 2018
Mark your calendar, next year’s Annual Partner Workshop will kick off Sunday evening, April 29th at 7 PM with the Workshop reception. Monday, April 30 will be the Partner Workshop, followed by the Capability Counts May 1-2. We are still finalizing plans to include CMMI V2.0 upgrade training opportunities in connection with the Partner Workshop.  We will communicate these plans, as well as the confirmed location in the Washington, D.C. area by
July, 2017.

Upcoming DMM Webinar: Why Analytics Fails and How to Fix It
CMMI Institute’s DMM Practice Leader, Jim Halcomb will be presenting an hour-long webinar
Tuesday June 27th 10:00AM EST. He will discuss typical struggles thwarting analysts, data management practices that would help, and how to navigate this journey using the DMM. Register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5979112729031144194
Quarterly Partner Webinar: Tuesday 12 July 2016, 10 AM and 8 PM Eastern Time
Mark your calendar now for the next Quarterly Partner Webinar, Tuesday, 11 July 2017, at 10 AM and 8 PM U.S. Eastern Time.
Register for the July webinar that works for your schedule here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/rt/3460464741819107074  

Upcoming Training Courses
The CMMI Institute is offering Instructor Training in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania July 19-21 2017: http://cmmiinstitute.com/training/cmmi-instructor-training
If you are an existing CMMI Instructor in need of the
Learner Centered Orientation Course, the next offering of Instructional Methods will be in Pittsburgh July 20-21 2017: http://cmmiinstitute.com/training/cmmi-instructional-methods

Downloads: ( RD / TS /PI )  
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Self assessment - (Login to view)

RD Self assessment - (Login to view) 
TS Self assessment - (Login to view)
PI Self assessment - (Login to view)


Appraisal services

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