Contributions for July Issue of The Best Practice Magazine:
Submit your article about OPD/OPF/OT - * Organizational Process Definition/Organizational Process Focus/Organizational Training for next month's Issue of The Best Practice Magazine. Congratulations to Ben Linders who had most views for his June 2018 article entitled CMMI V1.3: The CMMI Product and Product Integration roadmaps. Send your Articles / Presentations / Tools to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CMMI Articles/Presentations - VAL/VER
*Validation / Verification
Definition of VAL/VER
VAL Summary The purpose of Validation (VAL) (CMMI-DEV) is to demonstrate that a product or product component fulfills its intended use when placed in its intended environment.
VER Summary The purpose of Verification (VER) (CMMI-DEV) is to ensure that selected work products meet their specified requirements.
The CMMI® is an integrated set of best practices that improve performance and key capabilities for any organization that wants to develop better products, components, and services.
In a previous blog, I summarized the CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) and explained why people use it. Over the past few years, I have appraised many hardware organizations that have also used the practices to improve their mechanical, electrical, and system engineering activities.
A constant concern when preparing to release a Request for Proposal is that one bidder will throw things completely out of whack by “lowballing.” This means the bidder will bid extremely low, willingly incurring a loss in most cases, just to get the job and position themselves for future contracts. Because the bidder offers such a low price for the contract, limitations in their technical and management proposals get overlooked. This article proposes the Best Value Formula for reducing the impact of lowballing proposals by tying the price offered more closely with the technical and management proposals of a bidder. A high-level description of the proposal evaluation process is given as context. The Best Value Formula is defined and explained. Finally, examples of bids are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Best Value Formula. The project monitoring and control process in CMMI® consist of all those activities that ensure that the approved project is going to be delivered in time, budget, required quality and with marginal risk involved. The process revolves around verification, validation and monitoring the considerable changes in the plan and the equivalent action control taken by the team for a corrective measure. This process also adhere the project progress so that immediate action takes place if something deviates significantly from the plan.
High market competitiveness and technological advances have increased the demand for better and better software, produced through predefined costs and deadlines. In turn, such factors as complexity, size, heterogeneity and the dynamism of computer systems have directly impacted the quality of these products. In this scenario, the test process becomes increasingly important due to the fact that its main objectives are product analysis, identification of defects and their possible elimination. Many people use the terms verification and validation interchangeably without realizing the difference between the two. Not understanding that difference can lead to many models that do not truly represent a real-world process and lead to errors in forecasting or predicting of the outcomes. In this article, we will explore the meaning, importance, differences and basic method of verification and validation. Researchers and practitioners in the field of expert systems all generally agree that to be useful, any fielded intelligent system must be adequately verified and validated. But what does this mean in concrete terms? What exactly is verification? What exactly is validation? How are they different?