Contributions for August Issue of The Best Practice Magazine:
Submit your article about Integrated Project Management (IPM) / Risk Management (RSKM) for next month's Issue of The Best Practice Magazine. Congratulations to The Process Group's Neil Potter who had most views for his July 2018 article entitled Improving Hardware Engineering Practices Using CMMI. Send your Articles / Presentations / Tools to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CMMI Articles/Presentations - OPD/OPF/OT
* Organizational Process Definition/Organizational Process Focus/Organizational Training
Definition of OPD/OPF/OT
Organizational Process Definition (OPD) Summary The purpose of Organizational Process Definition (OPD) (CMMI-DEV) is to establish and maintain a usable set of organizational process assets, work environment standards, and rules and guidelines for teams.
Organizational Process Focus (OPF) Summary The purpose of Organizational Process Focus (OPF) (CMMI-DEV) is to plan, implement, and deploy organizational process improvements based on a thorough understanding of current strengths and weaknesses of the organization’s processes and process assets.
Organizational Training (OT) Summary The purpose of Organizational Training (OT) (CMMI-DEV) is to develop skills and knowledge of people so they can perform their roles effectively and efficiently.
The CMMI® is an integrated set of best practices that improve performance and key capabilities for any organization that wants to develop better products, components, and services.
Training Plan/Calendar document is prepared and updated yearly and kept in Organizational repository to establish strategic training needs. While identifying the needs, Trainings are categorized so that it can be decided what training are the responsibilities of the organization and what are the responsibility of the individual. Some of the common trainings organizations prefer to provide:
Leadership Development Program
Communication Skills
Best Practices Training
Soft skills Training
SCRUM Articles/Presentations - OPD/OPF/OT
* Organizational Process Definition/Organizational Process Focus/Organizational Training Introduction Wow! The lesson I have learned is not to read literature any more. A literature search on “Management, Project Management, and Scrum Master Roles” will make you dizzy, nauseous, and state every possible opinion as the correct one! What is the CMMI? *CMMI is an acronym for Capability Maturity Model Integration. *Approach used by organizations to improve. *CMMI is a collection of best practices -Over 100 organizations formally assisted in its development, including NASA
COBIT Articles/Presentations - OPD/OPF/OT
* Organizational Process Definition/Organizational Process Focus/Organizational Training Agenda *Where do these initiatives get sponsored? *Six Sigma overview *Components of Six Sigma / CMMI implementation - Is it collaborative or competitive?
AI - Articles/Presentations - OPD/OPF/OT
* Organizational Process Definition/Organizational Process Focus/Organizational Training The programme draws on a huge amount of data, with information ranging from cocktail-party gossip to images taken by spy satellites, to contribute to strategies in Chinese diplomacy.