Contributions for January Issue of The Best Practice Magazine:
Submit your article about Measurement and Analysis (MA) for next month's issue of The Demix Best Practice Magazine. Congratulations to Krystian Kaczor who had most views for his December 2019 article entitled, Scrum Myths: Quality is traded for speed in Scrum. Send your Articles / Presentations / Tools to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Definition of - (CM) *Configuration Management
CM Summary The purpose of Configuration Management (CM) (CMMI-DEV) is to establish and maintain the integrity of work products using configuration identification, configuration control, configuration status accounting, and configuration audits.
The CMMI® is an integrated set of best practices that improve performance and key capabilities for any organization that wants to develop better products, components, and services.
Definition: Webster defines a tool as "something regarded as necessary to the performance of one's occupation or professional task. [Words are the tools of my trade.]" Configuration Management (CM) tools come in several forms. For systems engineers and their sponsors, these tools include best practice methodologies, standards, documentation, managed environments, manual tools, automated tools, and leadership skills. These require and enable the discipline and rigor needed to plan, stand up, implement, and carry out CM successfully.
Keywords: automated tools, configuration management policy, program management plan, statement of work (SOW), tools.
Summary: A variety of agile software development methods and practices have now been around for a solid ten years and existed for at least another ten years prior. Configuration management (CM) for agile development has now been discussed since the turn of the century. So what are the core principles of CM and how can CM help agile teams? Read more. To support the continuing flow of business, comply with the regulatory environment and provide necessary accountability, organizations should create and maintain authentic, reliable and usable records, and protect the integrity of those records for as long as required. Organizations are increasingly reliant on information communications technology (ICT) as a crucial component of business operations. As a result, information is often partially or fully in electronic form.
The main objective of this article is to introduce the field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use and disposition of records in an electronic environment, based on international standards ISO 15489, part 1 and part 2.
Configuration management represents a key challenge when implementing a robust test environment management framework on cloud.
(1) Background The transformation of business to a customer-centric digital ecosystem, coupled with the advent of agile- and DevOps-based IT processes, has accelerated the adoption of cloud technology solutions.
Migrating these legacy IT systems to the cloud has certain, obvious advantages. By supporting global development and decreasing product deployment time, organizations worldwide have been able to rollout product features faster and accelerate the time to market.
From a QA perspective, testers be able to quickly verify the testing deliverables. It is important that the setup time for test environments is significantly reduced for cloud-based IT systems. Therefore, both automated test environment setup and on-demand provisioning or removal of test environments are becoming an important element of modern-day software projects. In traditional software development projects, configuration management (CM) is a manual process for establishing and maintaining the consistency of a platform’s functional and physical attributes. In modern day projects, it is essential to have an automated process in which the environment provisioning is done instantly and new environments remain consistent with previous ones. Configuration management represents a key challenge when implementing a robust test environment management framework on cloud.
Two forms of Health Check are offered the Silver Appraisal (SCAMPI B) and Gold Appraisal (SCAMPI A).
Both are led by a Certified CMMI® Lead Appraiser supported by trained Appraisal Team Members.
The primary difference between the two types of Health Check is the level of rigor and the fact that the SCAMPI A Appraisal can provide a Capability Level for each of the PMO Process Area in scope, the results can also be published on the CMMI® Institute PARS Site (Published Appraisal Results) if required.
The key deliverable being a report highlighting strengths and opportunities for improvement. This can optionally be expanded into a comprehensive PMO Improvement Plan the implementation of which can be supported by DEMIX Consultants if required.
If your PMO is not adding the value you expected then perform a DEMIX PMO Health Check to find out why!
To find out more or register interest contact Stephen Woods via the email below:
Stephen Woods
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Send us an email with Subject: Appraisal Plan and we will send you the Demix Appraisal Plan.XLSX tool. It provides wonderful features to simplify your appraisal planning.
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