VERIFICATION IN CMMI USING PEER REVIEWS, Authors: Jeanne Balsam, Jean Swank, Lee Sheiner, And Mark Pellegrini.

Article: (PR) VERIFICATION IN CMMI USING PEER REVIEWS, Authors:  Jeanne Balsam, Jean Swank, Lee Sheiner, And Mark Pellegrini.


Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) is the nonprofit applied research arm of the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, GA.  The Electronic Systems Laboratory (ELSYS) of GTRI achieved a CMM Level 3 rating in June of 2003.  ELSYS employs 150 engineers and scientists working predominately on DoD related competitively bid contracts.  Over the last 30 years, ELSYS researchers have established national reputations in areas such as: monopulse countermeasures, advanced radar warning receiver design, survivability, simulation models and analysis, and Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) technique development.  GTRI/ELSYS core competencies include software and systems engineering for electronic warfare and avionics systems, reliability and maintainability upgrades, technology insertion, obsolescence programs, threat analysis, and mission critical software. 

Copyright © ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS LABORATORY Georgia Tech Research Institute  Georgia Institute of Technology